Employee Management

Pragma Techs' Employee Management App offers a comprehensive solution for both Admins and Employees, revolutionizing how businesses manage their workforce.



Manual workforce management processes were riddled with errors and inefficiencies, hindering communication and productivity. Organizations struggled to keep track of employee schedules, leave requests, and attendance records in real time, leading to administrative burdens and operational challenges.



Pragma Techs' Employee Management App offers a comprehensive solution for both Admins and Employees, revolutionizing how businesses manage their workforce.

For Admins

Admins can effortlessly add users, assign roles, and oversee activities, streamlining tasks. Manage employee schedules for optimized resource allocation and efficient workflow. Simplify leave applications and approvals with real-time notifications and intuitive interfaces. Accurately monitor attendance and track work hours for policy compliance. Gain insights into employee locations for better coordination and operational efficiency.

For Employees

Convenient check-in/out features and automatic time calculation ensure accurate work hour tracking. Easily update calendars to reflect changes in availability, improving team communication. Submit leave requests effortlessly and receive instant status notifications, promoting transparency. Real-time updates on leave approvals or rejections ensure clarity and accountability.

The Result

Pragma Techs' Employee Management App has delivered tangible benefits for businesses:


Pragma Techs' Employee Management App sets a new standard for workforce management, offering a user-friendly solution that delivers tangible results. By prioritizing user experience, automation, and real-time insights, Pragma Techs has transformed how organizations manage their workforce, paving the way for increased efficiency, productivity, and success.